CHF Striking Distance
Buckskin Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Huckleberry Bey.
CHF Seize the Moment
Bay Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer Stablemate
Arabian Stallion for Pamela Stamps. Crystal Enchantment
Grey Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Classic Black Stallion for Kammie Fenwick. CHF Mouldirr
Grey Arabian stallion customized from the Chris Chapman Ma'ar resin for Anne-Li Mell. Name unknown
Bay Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer Huckleberry
Name unknown
Bay Arabian stallion customized from the Kathleen
Moody Dance With Me resin for Stephanie Nitzschke. CHF Ahm Shere
Chestnut Arabian stallion customized from the Vickie
Keeling Kings' Ransom resin. Crystal Ember
Chestnut Arabian stallion customized from the Carlee
Balling mini Arabian resin. CHF La Vie
Chestnut Arabian stallion customized from the Pamela
DeMuth Raakas resin for Jodi Telken.