Red Hot Chili
Chestnut Saddlebred filly customized from the Darian
Buckles resin, "Great Balls of Fire," and owned by Terese
Bernquist; created in 1996 Way To Win
Chestnut tovero Saddlebred mare customized from the Breyer Littlebit
Saddlebred and owned by Susanne Nilsvon; created in 1997 WBP
DW Hi Society
Dapple bay Saddlebred mare customized from the Jolly resin, "WBP
Luna," and owned by Inge Steiniger, Germany; created in 1997 Highland's
Liver chestnut Saddlebred stallion customized from the Breyer
Classic Man o' War and owned by Susanne Nilsvon; created in 1997 Countess
Chestnut Hackney Horse mare customized from the Chaney Mini Hackney
Horse resin and owned by Anne-Li Mell; created in 1997