In it's fourth year, Breyer has held an event in Sacramento, California, in conjunction with the Western States Horse Expo.
The format was open show on Friday, hobby demonstrations in Saturday and novice show on Sunday.
Many of the BreyerFest special runs are previewed.
All picuters taken by curator, Gail Berg, unless otherwise indicated.
BreyerWest 2009 special run
Known as "Del Mar", Clydesdale Mare in glossy dapple bay; limited to 300.
BreyerWest 2009 raffle
Known as "Delano", Clydesdale foal in glossy dapple bay; one of two.
BreyerWest 2008 volunteer model
Jumper mold in glossy palominoi pinto.
BreyerWest 2008 volunteer model
Running Mare mold in glossy chestnut.
BreyerWest 2008 volunteer model
Wixom mold in glossy strawberry roan.
BreyerWest 2008 volunteer model
Rearing Mustang mold in glossy grulla.
Plushie in brown
Known as Prancer #4853.
Plush in black
Known as "Belle" #4851.
Geoffert in black pinto
Known as Kuchi #1353.
Christmas special run
Huckleberry Bey in white grey with Christmas tack/Nutcracker theme.
Brown Sunshine in grey
Known as Sergeant #1364. 2009 mid-year release.
Conquistador in dapple grey
Known as Etheral - Wind #1339.
Stock Horse Stallion in black blanket appaloosa
Known as Summer Solstice # 712020.
Flash in dapple grey
Known as "Fun with Model Horses" #1362; mid-year 2009 release.
Galiceno in grulla blanket appaloosa
Known as Toby.
#1355 new mold for 2009.
Legionario II in grey
Known as "Spanish Flamenco Set" #1338.
Conquistador in chestnut semileopard appaloosa
Known as "Etheral Fire" #1340.
Hanoverian in leopard appalosa
Known as "Sheik af Hallundbaek" #1352.
Buckshot in palomino
Known as "My Favortie Horse - Rascal" #1361.
John Henry in buckskin
Known as ELCR Benefit Model #1393.
Ranch Horse in black pinto
Known as "Cochise - BONANZA Little Joe Cartwright's Horse" #1356.
Oldenburg in bay pinto
Known as "Mon Gamin" #1354.
Adios in bay pinto
Known as Tommie Turvey's Poker Joe #1359.
Trail class set
#1382 (traditional scale).
Ginger in brown
Known as "Stevie and Belle Gift Set" #61101.
Cantering stock stallion buckskin
Known as "Carole and Starlight Gift Set" #61103.
(Classic) Black Beauty in dapple grey
Known as "Saddle Club Eventing Gift Set" #61105.
Duchess in brown
Known as "Lisa and Prancer Gift Set" #61102.
Merrylegs in chestnut; MW galloping horse in grey, trotting Morgan in chestnut
Known as "Pony Slumber Party Set" #1386.
Model horse scupting kit
Saddlebag (purse) with Pacer in chestnut (pinto)
Known as #5375.
Poodle in pink
Tent SR known as Cotton Candy.
Newsworthy in bay
Preview of BF09 SR Cupcake.
Shire Horse in light grey
Porcelain. BF SR known as Party Time.
Zippo Pine Bar in buckskin pinto
Five Gaiter in stained glass
Photo does not show it, but horse was translucent and verigated; gorgeous. Known as "Gala", transparent decorator.
Cantering stock horse
In black, traditional scale; new mold. BF09 SR preview; “Whizards Baby Doll”, aka Roxy. Sculpted by Sue Sifton.
(Factory) Customized Lady Phas in bay roan leopard appaloosa
BF09 SR preview, known as Sprinkles.
Idocus in dun
Known as Buttercream, BF SR.
Quarter Horse Gelding
In chestnut pinto, bay blanket appaloosa and palomino. BreyerFest "Surprise" SR.
G3 Stablemate American Saddlebred decorators
Left to right: gold charm, copenhagen, silver filigree, florentine, wedgewood. Known as "Funfetti", Gambler's choice single day model.
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