Native Dancer
in Dark Steel Grey Matt (#5023)
Known as "Native Dancer;" photo provided by Becky Edmonson Native
Dancer in Light Steel Grey Semi-Gloss (#5023)
Known as "Native Dancer;" photo provided by Becky Edmonson
Dancer in Chestnut Tobiano
Shown as "Tiptoe," and owned by Beth GustasNative
Dancer in Bay Blanketed Appaloosa (#5178)
1996 regular run; photo scanned in from a promotional flier Native
Dancer in Bay Blanketed Appaloosa (#5178)
Shown as "Shadow of the Sun," and owned by Jennifer
Lowe Native Dancer in Bay
Shown as "Bay Velvet," and owned by Lissa Wickham
Native Dancer in red dun
SR1996 JC Penneys 12 Piece Set. Photos by Melodie Dowell.