Phantom Wings
in Palomino Tobiano (29#)
Known as "Phantom Wings, Misty's Foal;" photo provided
by Traci Hilbert Phantom Wings in Palomino Tobiano
Known as "Phantom Wings, Misty's Foal;" shown as "Chinook;"
Chincoteague filly owned by Teresa Fedak Phantom
Wings in Bay Blanketed Appaloosa (17#)
Produced from 1979-1982; photo provided by Traci Hilbert
Phantom Wings in Bay Blanketed Appaloosa
Shown as "Cookies N Creme," POA colt owned by Kollean
Gouyton Phantom Wings in Bay Blanketed Appaloosa
From the 1993 JCPenny "Three Generations" gift set;
shown as "WWS Little Wolf," owned by Kolleen Gouyton
Phantom Wings in Bay Blanketed Appaloosa
From the 1993 JCPenny "Three Generations" gift set;
shown as "Spot Not," Mustang filly owned by Peri Riggins
Phantom Wings Black Blanketed Appaloosa (#18)
Shown as "Stocky," Appaloosa filly owned by Peri Riggins
Phantom Wings in Black Blanketed Appaloosa (18#)
Photo provided by Traci Hilbert Phantom Wings
in Black Tobiano
Photo provided by Peri Riggins Phantom Wings
in Black Tobiano
Photo scanned in from a promotional flier
Phantom Wings in Black Tobiano (#895)
Known as "Bright Socks," owned by Peri Riggins
Phantom Wings in Bay Splash White (#984)
Known as "Duke," photo provided by Daphne Macpherson
Phantom Wings in Bay (#875)
Known as "Woodsprite;" shown as "Malibu Wildfire,"
Mustang filly owned by Peri Riggins