In it's sixth year, Breyer changed venues and dates to October (from June) and South San Francisco, the Cow Palace, in conjunction with the Grand National Horse Show/Rodeo (instead of Sacramento, Cal Expo and the WSHE)
The format was open show on Friday, hobby demonstrations and novice show on Saturday.
Breyer event information.
Roxy in chestnut pinto
BreyerWest 2011 special run, known as "Fontana". Images provided by Breyer.
Amber in Chestnut pinto
Known as "Finley", BreyerWest 2011 Raffle model (SR of two). Produced as "foal" to BW SR Fontana. Images provided by curator.
Volunteer models were Glossy Weather Girls
Weather Girl in Glossy Dapple Grey pinto
BreyerWest 2011 volunteer model. Image provided by curator.
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