Sabaq Al-Shaah
Dapple bay stallion customized from the BreyerTraditional
Touch of Class and owned by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig. I have seen
almost all of Sarah's beautiful Arabians and this guy takes the
cake...he's unbelievable!
Dapple rose grey stallion customized from the Hagen-Renaker
Amir and owned by Mindy Binkley Khaili
Fleabitten dapple grey stallion customized from the
Gonzalez/Minkiewicz-Breunig resin, "Status Symbol,"
and owned by Mindy Binkley Orinocco
Fleabitten bloody-shouldered grey stallion customized
from the BreyerTraditional Touch of Class and owned by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig
Black-bay stallion customized from the Breyer Classic
Chestnut stallion customized from the Breyer Touch
of Class?; owned by Julie Froelich Name Unknown
Dapple grey stallion customized from the Breyer Stablemate
Stallion; owned by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig
Dapple grey stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional
Proud Stallion; owned by Diana Patterson. She wanted to take the
PAS and attempt to correct all the flaws in this mold; the result
is a horse the size of an H-R Nataf--he's HUGE!! (And gorgeous!)
Arabian Costume
"Madhkuur," dapple grey Arabian stallion
customized from the Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Stallion;
costume by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig Unnamed
Dapple rose grey stallion customized from the Border
Fine Arts trotting Stallion, owned by Debbie Uecker; this piece
was featured at the 1995 Western Regional Congress auction
Chestnut stallion touch-up from the Breyer Sham and
owned by Angela French Rhymnick
Silver white stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Proud Mare and owned by Ed Gonzalez. This early piece,
done about 1988, was Sarah's first really famous horse, winning
Grand Champion Arabian at WRC I believe two years in a row and
doing the same at Southcoast Classic! A truly phenomenal show
horse and absolutely stunning in person. "Rhymmy" will
always be a sentamental favorite with me. Rhymnick Headstudy
Here's a close-up of this lovely horse!
Name Unknown
Bay gelding customized from the Breyer Classic Stallion;
owner unknown. This is a very early piece done about 1988
Name Unknown
Dapple grey stallion customized from the Breyer Little
Bit Arabian; owner unknown. This is a very early piece done about
1988 Name Unknown
Fleabitten grey gelding customized from the Breyer
Classic Johar and owned by unknown Galaxy Guru
Chestnut stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional
Proud Arabian Stallion by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig, painted by
Laurie Jensen and owned by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig
Name Unknown
Bay stallion customized from the Ed Gonzales resin,
"Status Symbol" by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig, painted
by Ed Gonzalez and auctioned off at the 1996 North West Congress Felazi
El Akid
Rose grey Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Classic Swaps. Arabian Costume
"Felazi El Akid," rose grey Arabian stallion
customized from the Breyer Classic Swaps and owned by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig;
costume by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig *Nauafad
Light dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from
the Beswick Xayal and owned by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig Hajjii
Dapple rose grey Arabian stallion customized from
the unknown China and owned by Barb Ness Name Unknown
Dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from the
Vicki Keeling bronze, "Showstopper," and owned by Alice
Horton Jamil Mhuratt
Dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from the Traditional Proud Arabian Stallion owned by Susanne Konradt in German. Name Unknown
Dapple rose grey Arabian stallion customized from
the Vicki Keeling resin, "King's Ransom," and owned
by C. Day Name Unknown
Dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from the
Kathleen Moody resin, "Simply Splendid," and owned by
Tom Bainbridge Name Unknown
Dapple bay Arabian colt customized from the Breyer
Classic Swaps and owned by unknown; this is another one of my
very favorite models! Ischade
Dapple rose grey Arabian stallion customized from
the Gonzales/Minkiewicz-Breunig resin, "Status Symbol,"
and owned by Barbara Ness Sha Halima
Customized from the Bainbridge resin, "Renaissance,"
and owned by Jenny Palmer
Name unknown
Dapple grey Arabian stallion, customized from the Sarah Rose Mini Nahar resin; created 2007. Sarah comments on the piece: He’s been painted rosegrey in acrylics, with techniques that mimic the authentic grainy coat quality of the graying pattern. Also, the use of tiny brushes and lots of handpainting ensured that his dapples and detailing were faithful to the pattern and to his scale.
Name unknown
Rose dapple grey Arabian stallion, customized from the Vicki Keeling Sadeek resin; created 2008. Sarah comments on the piece: This poor boy has been sitting here for eons, and I've finally developed a technique for dapple grey that produces that accurate grainy appearance they have without sacrificing detail or "randomness". For the first time, I'm truly happy with how my grey turned out!