Tempe Touchstone
Dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the Kathleen
Moody resin, "Minuet" and owned by Kerri Gerhmann Name
Chestnut Arabian mare customized from the Kathleen
Moody resin, "Minuet" and owned by unknown OSD
Empress of India
Dapple bay Arabian mare customized from the Kathleen
Moody resin, "Minuet" and owned by Katheine Marsh Name
Dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from the
Kathleen Moody resin, "On Broadway" Name Unknown
Dapple rose grey Arabian stallion customized from
the Kathleen Moody resin, "On Broadway" PR Barexi's
Blond chestnut Arabian stallion customized from the
Elizabeth Bouras Arabian Stallion resin