Gray Bar
Dark grey tovero Paint stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional San Domingo and owned by unknown; created in
1998 Black Lace
Black tovero Paint mare customized from the Breyer
Traditional Lady Phase and owned by the artist; created in 1998
Chestnut tovero Paint stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional Adios and owned by unknown; created in 1998
Hole Shot
Grulla tobiano Paint stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional Mustang stallion and owned by Pauline Margetson;
created in 1998
Name Unknown
The Peter Stone Ideal Stock Horse stallion repainted
to a bay
Paint in 2001.
Name Unknown
The Breyer stablemate Thoroughbred Mare paint sculpted
to a chestnut pinto in 2001. Name Unknown
The Breyer Polo Pony repainted to a red chestnut
pinto, with added epoxy mane and tail. Created in 2000. Name
The Breyer Silver stallion mold repainted to a cremello
pinto (high whites) in 2001.