Sporthorse and Warmbloods

emptyDole Trotter in grey
Equorum Dole Trotter Pony by Helen Moore. 2009. Owned and photographed by Melodie Dowell.

emptyDole Trotter in palomino
Palomino Cob. Shown as THS Equorum Stars and Magic, ridden by Piers Pomfrey. 2009. Owned and photographed by Victoria Warren.

emptyDole Trotter in chestnut pinto
Equorum Dole Trotter Pony by Helen Moore. 2009. Owned and photographed by Melodie Dowell.

Equorum Friesian, customized from the American white mold, now called the Polo Pony mold. This was an early model by Helen. I believe it would have been 2008 soon after she started her own company. These models are latex, similar to Julips. They are poseable, although they are heavier and some are more poseable than others. Some of the newer models have bendable necks. They are very realistic. The models started out as being smaller than a Classic size Breyer. This little guy stands 5 3/4" at the crest of his neck. As Helen's business grew, and she started making more sculptures into molds, the horses grew. They are now more Classic size, depending on the mold. They are very heavy compared to most latex horses. I would consider them collector's items. Owned and photographed by Melodie Dowell.

emptyWelsh Section D in sandy bay
Welsh Section D Cob by Helen Moore. 2009. Owned and photographed by Melodie Dowell.

emptyWelsh Section D in flaxen chestnut
Welsh Section D Cob. 2009. Shown as THS Equorum Jetsam. Owned and photographed by Victoria Warren.

emptyShow Cob in grey
This is a Show Cob made special order in 2009. His color is called Sully Grey. Owned and photographed by Melodie Dowell.

emptyCantering polo pony in bay
Shown as MCS Schneider, Bay Cantering Polo Pony Gelding, 12th Polo Pony made in 2009. Owned/photographed by Rhiannon McLoughlin.

emptyWarmblod Sportshorse Gelding in bay
Shown as Equorum WGS Magician. He is a dark dappled bay Equorum Warmblood Sportshorse gelding, made in 2009 by Helen Moore. Owned/photographed by Sinead Burke.

emptyWarmblod Sportshorse Gelding in palomino pinto
Shown as Equorum Sundance. He is palomino skewbald and has sculpted frogs. He is owned and photographed by Janice Edwards.

emptyStanding Warmblood Sportshorse Gelding in grey
Shown as SHS Equorum White Point Star. Made in 2010 by Helen Moore. Owned/photographed by Vienna Harvey/Split Hourglass Stables.

emptyTersk in dapple grey
Shown as MCS Tully, Grey Tersk Stallion, 18th Tersk made in 2009. Owned/photographed by Rhiannon McLoughlin.

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