SLM Serazziza
Dark blood bay Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Stablemate
Arab Mare
New photo coming SLM Aralezona
Blood bay Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Stablemate Arabian
Mare, owner unknown, photo by Gail Berg SLM Sera Magic
Chestnut Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Stablemate Arabian
Mare and owned by Lissa Wickham, photo by Lissa Wickham
SLM Raensakr
Liver chestnut Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Stablemate
Arabian Mare and owned by Chris Semon; photo by Chris Semon
SLM Aramajestic
Dapple gray Arabian mare customized from the Stablemate Swaps
and owned by Katherine Rylien SLM Seraphique
Dapple brown Arabian mare customized from the Hartland 5"
Arab Mare, owner unknown Red Lady
Chestnut Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Lady
Roxanna, owner unknown SLM Champagne Eden
Chestnut Arabian filly customized from the Breyer Traditional
Proud Arabian Foal and owned by Chris Semon SLM Lil Barb
Bay Arabian filly customized from the Breyer Classic Arabian Foal,
photo by Gail Berg (NOTE: The hair was picked off this model by
Suzanne's son's cockatiel and she's in the process of trying to
sculpt a new mane & tail without destroying the paint job!