SLM Sterling
Gray Tennessee Walking Horse stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Midnight Sun SLM Belle of the Ball
Chestnut Tennessee Walking Horse mare customized from the Kathman
resin, "Southern Belle," and owned by Dawn Kuchar
SLM Jondalar & SLM Challenger
Chestnut Tennessee Walking Horse geldings customized from the Breyer Traditional Midnight Sun SLM Firewind
Black tobiano Saddlebred mare customized from the Breyer Stablemate
Saddlebred Mare and owned by Chris Semon SLM Firewind
Black sabino Saddlebred mare customized from the Breyer Stablemate
Saddlebred, owner unknown Firewind Sparkle
Dapple palomino tobiano Saddlebred gelding customized from the
Breyer Littlebit Saddlebred and owned by Emily Briggs SLM
Firewind Explosion
Palomino Saddlebred stallion customized from the Micro Mini Standing
SLM Kiss of Gold
Palomino Saddlebred mare customized from the Breyer Stablemate
SLM Liquid Diamonds
Brown Saddlebred filly customized from the North Light Scratching