Mealy bay donkey john customized from the Breyer
?? and portrait of a real donkey for owner Nancy Heindorf; created
in 1992 Jack Wears Black
Black spotted donkey jack customized from the Breyer
Traditional Shetland and owned by Susan Taylor; created in 1993
Bay spotted donkey jack customized from the Breyer
Traditional Donkey by Lee Francis and owned by Polly Fields; created
in 1994 Name Unknown
Black spotted donkey john customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Arabian Stallion and owned by Lee Francis; created
in 1996 Natasha
Blue dun Somali (African) Wild Ass jennet customized
from the Breyer Littlebit Thoroughbred and owned by Christine
Holt; created in 1994 Zippora
Dun Przewalski mare customized from the Breyer Littlebit
Quarter Horse and owned by Lee Francis; created in 1982
Dun Onager jennet customized from the Breyer Littlebit
Thoroughbred and owned by Christine Holt; created in 1992
Black spotted mule colt customized from the Breyer
Traditional Proud Arabian Foal and owned by unknown; created in