empty Names unknown
British Spotted Pony mare and foal customized from Animal Artistry ??? for C. Kalbach

empty DA Bryn Mawy
Apricot dun Welsh Pony (sect B) gelding customized from Animal Artistry Rearing Welsh pony for P. Gutteridge

empty DA Braveheart
Palomino Welsh Cob (sect D) stallion customized from Border Fine Arts Welsh Cob for I. Steininger

empty DA Orach Mor
Apricot dun Highland Pony stallion customized from Animal Artistry Highland pony for L. Pufahl.

empty DA Honey Hunk
Smutty Palomino Miniature Horse stallion customized from the Chris Jolly Howard Huge resin for L. Pufahl.

empty DA Lil'Bearcat
Leopard Appaloosa POA customized from the Wild Heather resin.

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020