Dun Overo Paint stallion customized from the BHR
Reining Horse. This is a portrait color of the real Paint stallion,
Gunner. This particular piece is a one-of-a-kind test color on
the ears-forward mold. Karen opted for to do a special ears-out
version of this mold as a limited edition run. Owned by Karen
Grimm Gunner
Same horse as above, shown saddled. Owned by Karen
Buckskin overo Paint stallion customized from the BHR Reining
Horse Ima Flashy Zipper
Golden chestnut minimum white Paint gelding customized from the
BHR Western Pleasure Horse and owned by Karen Grimm Rave Review
Dun overo Paint stallion customized from the BHR Hunter and owned
by Karen Grimm Name Unknown
Bay overo Paint stallion customized from the BHR Western Pleasure
Horse and owned by Jeri Miller; this is a portrait of the real
horse Name Unknown
Dun tovero Paint stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional
Gem Twist Name Unknown
Bay tobiano Paint colt customized from the Breyer Classic Quarter
Horse Foal Name Unknown
Dun tobiano Paint stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional
Trakehner Name Unknown
Buckskin overo Paint gelding customized from the Breyer Classic
Duchess Names Unknown
Chestnut overo Paint mare and filly customized from the Breyer
Traditional Thoroughbred Mare & Foal Set BHR Montana
Apricot dun overo Paint stallion customized from
the BHR Quarter Horse Stallion and owned by Tanya Sieh
Name Unknown
Black overo Paint stallion customized from the BHR
Quarter Horse Stallion Name Unknown
Liver chestnut tobiano Paint colt customized from
the BHR Weanling Splashy Rebel
Bay minimal white overo cropout Paint colt customized
from the BHR Weanling and owned by Lissa Wickham