Melek Es Surur
Light grey Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Keren Gilfoyle-McGroarty;
created in 1991. This model is a British National Live Champion!
Sionen N'Addwy
Dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer
Classic Arabian Mare and owned by Keren Gilfoyle-McGroarty; created
in 1978, rehaired in 1990. This model was Keren's first extensive
airbrush dapple job! Aspen Klatskanai
Dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from the
Breyer Classic Arabian Stallion and owned by unknown; created
in 1990 Sidi Mohammed
Bay Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional
Smokey and owned by Lyn Hanham; created in 1983 Jehanieh Mehmet
Bay Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic
Arabian Mare and owned by Keren Gilfoyle-McGroarty; created in
1983. This model is a British National Live Champion!
Flea-bitten grey Arabian mare customized from the
Breyer Classic Black Beauty and owned by Keren Gilfoyle-McGroarty;
created in 1983 *SAR Mohammed Aly
Bay Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional
Black Stallion and owned by Keren Gilfoyle-McGroarty
Negma Ilha Deneb
Bay Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Traditional
Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Keren Gilfoyle-McGroarty
Sha Faarad
Brown Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Keren Gilfoyle-McGroarty
Bay Arabian filly customized from the Hagen-Renaker
Small Zilla and owned by Keren Gilfoyle-McGroarty *Na Faroufah
Bay Arabian mare customized from the Hagen-Renaker
Small Zara and owned by Keren Gilfoyle-McGroarty