im Ford-Hoffman has drawn and loved horses ever since she was little. Kim took a horseshoeing course through the mail and apprenticed some under her ex. She doesn't own any horses now, giving her last four away in 2007, after moving to a town miles from where she kept them, complicated by the fact that she doesn't drive. Kim has 2 children, 4 dogs and a cat to tend too. Husband also.
She likes to take pictures, read, draw, leather-work ,lots of other crafty things, research and go to Church. That's about the extent of her activities.
Kim started collecting at age 9 when her school friend and her mother introduced her to Breyers. Of course before that she was repainting cheap models with testors car paint and finger polish. Her first model was the Breyer G1 Stablemate Native Dancer. Kim collected traditional Breyers more then, but ended up favoring Stablemates. She started making traditional scale tack when 12 and used her mom's leather shoes, which wasn't well received. At 14, she switched to Stablemate scale tack and has stuck to that.
When young you don't have money so Kim used what she could find. She was blessed with a dad who was a handy man and had all kinds of tools so, she did more customizing of models then too. Kim got more detailed when she begin to work, (started in the After school work program ) when she was 14. She bought alot of craft stuff from Wal-mart, and created more costume tack then, Arabian, medieval, Spanish Riding School, Indian, etc. Then, she bought supplies from "The Unicorn Woman", and used them to make draft harnesses, mainly patent leather lace and Jump rings. Kim also bought from Hobby Builder Supply (a dollhouse supplier) and NASCCO arts and crafts. She bought hardware pieces from the HBS to use as harness and costume decoration. The Internet wasn't around then and most contacts were by snail mail and orders out of catalogs.
Kim bought lots of books for reference, she loved to research and look at pictures which gave her inspiration. Magazines and books give her the most ideas and everywhere shw went, everything she looked at she tried to see if she could make anything out of what she saw. Now, with the internet, Kim can see and find most things she needs online. Still not driving, the internet is like a answer to prayer. Kim knows God gave her this talent, for He knew she wouldn't learn to drive for LONG time and making tack has helped pay the bills, since she can no longer work and moved. It helps!
Learning is an ongoing process, especially with parade sets. She makes each one unique. Coming up with the silver design takes the longest and even to restarting sets because she was inspired from a better metal design. Most details come about after she bought her air tool that engraves, it provides the best detail. For saddles, custom pommels out of apoxie scuplt is worth it. It may take longer but after using Popsicle stick ends, layers of leather the apoxie scuplt has become the most realistic way to go. Kim cuts a lot of metal pieces out of pie pans and then engrave or punch with screwdriver tips to make designs. She use real patent leather skived down to the thin 1/24th (Stablemate) scale. It might look like plastic but it's real patent leather. Kim started tooling leather lately, learning that she could tool it then skive it down to scale while still keeping the design. Kim can sculpt, do painting and she also does props and jumps, plus a little wagon making, but only every now and then when there aren't custom orders to finish. Her "workshop" is in her 2nd Livingroom and she's constantly having to reorganize and clean up, have it packed to the ceiling and sometimes it's hard to work in there for all the animals want to come and hang out and sometimes the kids too!
Kim has a webshots page of her tack, a Yahoo discussion group; plus she's on facebook; or you can email her.
Photo credit: Summary of recent wins.
Peruvian presentation set
Bay pinto Peruvian stallion, from the Breyer G3 SM. Owned by Kim Ford-Hoffman. Created circa 1997.
Peruvian presentation set
Bay pinto Peruvian stallion, from the Breyer G3 SM. Owned by Chris Allen. Created circa 2007.
Peruvian presentation set
In progress. Shown on (unfinished) AA mule. Owned by Kim Ford-Hoffman.
Barrel set
Painted Orange Flame Set owned by Robyn Smith created in 2009.
Barrel set
Floral Painted Set sold to Beth Elliot 2008. Shown on Stone Chips Stock Horse. Click on first image for collage image of set.
Barrel set
Leopard barrel Set; created in 2008. Shown on Breyer G2 SM Warmblood; owned by Melissa Riley.
Barrel set
Right out Sergeants 2006 Big Book. Bridle/breastcollar is almost complete match-down to the blue micro beads on the brow/cheek/noseband and breastcollar. Doesn't have the concho only. Closed leather reins /tiedown. The bridle is non adjustable--afraid to try it with all those beads - The reins I've made to hook on and off incase you want to change to split reins. The noseband is able to be took off too. All buckles are non-working and won't tarnish. Throat latch is wax on to fasten. Owned by unknown.
Roping set
Purple draft roping set cm order for Brenda Cary 1999, on OF G2 draft.
Roping set
Georgia Haynes cm order roping set 1999, on OF SM.
Roping set
personal roping set I think 99 or maybe older, on cm SM G1 by me.
Roping set
Simplicity resin scuplted by Lesli Kathman painted by Mandy Hood, rider by breyer,1999 roping set, back boots 1998, front boots 09'.
Roping set
Tocass resin scuplted and painted by Linda York, owned by Cassie Thomas both mule and saddle, 1997 I think. cm calf by me from unknown make.
Roping set
TX Tornado scuplted by Darian Buckles, painted by Beth Hoffert, 2006 roping saddle.Calves OF is Ertl and cm one by me from unknown make.
Western set
Caprice Western set, created circa 2010 for owner Jen Danza.
Western set
Working girl Western set, created 2009.
Western set
Western set. first made all metal pommel. On Chip OF
Western set with blue seat on WG resin, first for the twisted color reins/cheek pieces matching set. For owner Chris Anderson.
Western set
Working girl Western set.
Parade saddle set
Black jeweld set owned by Esther Johnson. Shown on customized Sarah Rose Mini Indy resin (customized by Kim). Created 2009.
Pony Sidesaddle set
Pony sidesaddle owned by Melissa Riley (new technique opened up with tooling improvements with this set.)
Micromini drum horse set
Micro by Georgia Haynes. Created 2001.
Micromini pleasure harness
Created for Jennifer Pommerance, 2010.
Micromini draft harness
CM also by Kim.
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