Name Unknown
Strawberry roan Trakehner stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Trakehner and previously owned by Margaret Thompson D.O.
Windermere Warlord
Dapple grey Welsh Section A pony stallion customized
from the Breyer Classic Silky Sullivan; created in 1993 D.O.
Chard 'n' Neigh
Palomino Morab mare customized from the Breyer Traditional
Family Arabian Mare; created in 199? Name Unknown
Black tovero Mustang mare customized from the Breyer
Classic Arabian Mare and owned by Kathy Wiggins; created in 1994 D.O.
King of Hearts
Strawberry roan Standardbred stallion customized
from the Breyer Traditional Adios; created in 199? D.O. Designer
Chestnut tobiano Tennessee Walking Horse/Morgan customized
from the Breyer Traditional Stretch Morgan with a Midnight Sun
Head D.O. Pacific Cascade
Flea-bitten grey Saddlebred/Morgan customized from
the Breyer Traditional Family Arabian Mare D.O. Mr. Holland's
Chestnut tobiano Dutch Warmblood stallion customized
from the Breyer Traditional Trakehner by Carol Hale and owned
by Kim Janes-David
D.O. Ardent Royalty
Chestnut Trakehaner stallion, customized from the Hanoverian?; created 1991; photo by Meghann Hoscheid.
D.O. Encore
Rose grey shetland pony mare, customized from the Breyer Saddlebred weaning, created 1991; photo by Meghann Hoscheid.