11" Quarter
Horse in Cremello
Photo provided by Karen Grimm 11" Quarter
Horse in Sooty Buckskin
Photo by Gail Berg 11" Quarter Horse
in Sooty Buckskin
Photo scanned in from the 1993 Hartland Collectables
11" Quarter Horse in Red Dun
Photo by Gail Berg
11" Quarter Horse in Golden
Photo scanned in from the 1988 Hartland Collectables
color flyer
11" Quarter Horse in Dark Dapple Grey
(Hartland Collectables)
WRC Special Run of only 36; shown as Pater Noster, gelding; photo
by Gail Berg 11" Quarter Horse in Slate Grulla
Photo provided by Emilee Anderson 12" Quarter
Horse Stallion in Dapple Grey
Shown as "Ghost of a Chance," and owned
by Karyl-Lynne Tirk 7" Quarter Horse
in Buckskin
This is a very old Hartland! (1960's?). Photo by
Gail Berg 7" Quarter Horse in Black Pinto
Owned by Debbie Shy. Please note: this color would
not occur on a real horse, as its pattern doesn't fit any that
exist. Quarter Horse Pocket Pony in Dapple
Grey (Hartland Collectables)
This rare model was one of the few resin cast models made from
Hartland. Sculpted by Kathleen Moody, this mold was discontinued
shortly after first being produced; photo by Gail Berg
Quarter Horse Pocket Pony in Dapple Grey
Shown as "Double Take," and owned by Cheryl Mundee
Quarter Horse Tinymite
Photo provided by Debbie Shy