NTS Uncle Big Bad
Sorrel Tennessee Walking Horse gelding customized
from the Frank resin, "Bolero," and owned by Colleen
Hartshorn; created in 1998 NTS Irish Banshee
Chestnut tobiano Saddlebred filly customized from
the Breyer Traditional Saddlebred Weanling and owned by Chris
Semon NTS Slap 'n' Dash
Bay Saddlebred gelding customized from the Hartland
11" Saddlebred and owned by Jennifer Smith NTS Come Hither
Chestnut Saddlebred mare customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Saddlebred and owned by Colleen Hartshorn NTS
Stage Door Johnny
Chestnut Saddlebred gelding customized from the Breyer
Littlebit Morgan and owned by Donna Sheppard; created in 1996 NTS
Knight of Dreams
Chestnut Saddlebred filly customized from the Breyer
Traditional Saddlebred Weanling and owned by Heather Mingus; created
in 1997 NTS Hi Octane Flame
Chestnut Saddlebred filly customized from the Breyer
Classic Arabian Foal and owned by Jennifer Smith; created in 1996 NTS
Crimson and Grey
Bay overo Missouri Foxtrotter gelding customized
from the Breyer Traditional Iron Metal Chief and owned by Debbie
Talbot NTS Forget Paris
Blue roan sabino Tennessee Walking Horse mare customized
from an original sculpture and owned by Colleen Hartshorn