NTS Margaret
and NTS Denbigh
Dun and buckskin Mustang mare and filly customized
from the Breyer Classic Mustang Mare and Arabian Foal and owned
by Pauline Entin NTS Pleasant Memory
Bay Morgan mare customized from the Breyer Little
Bit Morgan; no longer in existence. Name Unknown
Dapple rose gray tobiano Pintabian mare customized
from the Sapp resin, "Destiny," and owned by Brenda
Rickett; created in 1999 Name Unknown
Chestnut tobiano Pintabian filly customized from
the Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Foal, auctioned off at the
1997 Northwest Congress and owned by Patti Zvarich; created in
1997 NTS Ragtop Rhythm
Buckskin tobiano Miniature Horse gelding customized
from Kathleen Moody Miniature Horse resin and owned by Carly Burgess;
created in 1996