empty Name Unknown
Dapple gray Welsh Pony mare customized from the Chaney Welsh Cob Mare resin and owned by Pauline Entin; created by Pauline Entin/Colleen Hartshorn in 1998

empty NTS Rhiannon
Silver dapple Shetland Pony mare customized from the Frank resin, "Bramble," and owned by Colleen Hartshorn; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Bay Welsh Section A stallion customized from the Breyer Stablemate Arabian stallion and owned by Carol Vorce; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Bay overo grade pony stallion customized from the Loza Electrica Dressage horse and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty NTS Wolfstone
Dapple bay Welsh Section C stallion customized from the Breyer Stablemate Morgan Stallion and owned by unknown

empty NTS Breakneck
Dapple rose grey Welsh pony Section A gelding customized from the Kathman resin, "???," and owned by Colleen Hartshorn

empty NTS Dwynfor
Red dun Welsh pony Section A filly customized from the Keeling resin, "Oasis," and owned by Colleen Hartshorn

empty NTS Wee Bonny Lad
Bay-going-grey Welsh pony colt customized from a Joseph Original mold and owned by Colleen Hartshorn; created in 1995.

empty NTS Wolfstone
Dapple bay Welsh pony stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional GaliceÒo and owned by Colleen Hartshorn; created in 1997

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020