NTS Wizard of Aaahhs
Chestnut Quarter Horse weanling gelding customized
from the Black Horse Ranch weanling resin and owned by Colleen
Hartshorn; created in 1999. Name Unknown
Chestnut Quarter Horse stallion customized from the
Black Horse Ranch Action Stallion resin and owned by Melissa Clegg;
created in 1998 NTS Rockrgrl
Dapple rose gray appendix Quarter Horse mare customized
from the new Breyer Stablemate Thoroughbred and owned by Colleen
Hartshorn; created in 1999. NTS Lucky One
Chestnut Quarter Horse mare customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Native Dancer and owned by Wendy Blum NTS Sir Darkov
Bay Quarter Horse gelding customized from the BHR
Hunter and owned by Heather Mingus NTS Reba Dun It
Chestnut Quarter Horse mare customized from the Lenzer
Quarter Horse and owned by Colleen Hartshorn; created in 1997 NTS
Stray Cat Strut
Buckskin Quarter Horse gelding customized from the
Breyer Traditional Indian Pony; no longer in existence. NTS
Goin' For Baroque
Smutty palomino Quarter Horse stallion customized
from the BHR Action Stallion and owned by Colleen Hartshorn; created
in 1997