empty Name Unknown
Dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic Arabian Mare and owned by Cheri Stewart; created in 1989

empty Shammar Nahda
Flea-bitten grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic Arabian Mare and owned by P Lawson; created in 1993

empty Shammar Intaadah
Dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the Hagen-Renaker Large Zara and owned by Sophie Bergström; created in 1990

empty Ar Qadesh
Flea-bitten grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Mare and owned by Lo Hillarp-Sjouström; created in 1993

empty Shammar Hadeelah
Flea-bitten dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Mare and owned by P Lawson; created in 1994

empty Shammar Faslah
Bay Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic Swaps and no longer exists; created in 1996

empty Shammar Wahidah
Flea-bitten rose grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic Swaps and owned by unknown; created in 1996

empty Shammar Nouasha
Dapple chestnut Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic Arabian Mare and owned by Lo Hillarp-Sjostrom; created in 1996

empty Shammar Maat
Golden chestnut Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic Arabian Mare and owned by Susanne Bosche; created in 1991

empty Shammar Moktharah
Chestnut Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic Arabian Mare and owned by Lo Hillarp-Sjoström; created in 1990

empty Nethaif
Chestnut Arabian mare customized from the Breyer Classic Arabian Mare and owned by Lo Hillarp-Sjoström; created in 1990

empty Names unknown
Chestnut Arabian mare and foal customized from the Animal Artistry mini Arabian Mare and foal and owned by Anne-Li Mell; created in 2001.

empty Name unknown
Bay Arabian mare customized from the Breyer classic Swaps and owned by Sophie Bergstrom; created in 2001.

empty Atena
Grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer classic Swaps and owned by Sara Hallberg; created in 2000.

empty Sayyidah
Bay Arabian mare customized from the Animal Artistry mini Arabian Mare and owned by Danelle Harmon; created in 2000?.


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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020