Name unknown
Semi leopard Knabbstrapper, customized from unknown. Created 2007; NAN auction.
Name unknown
Bay pinto American Saddlebred, customized from the Breyer G2 Saddlebred. Created 2006.
Zebra Mare and foal
2005 NAMHSA auction donation. Micro mini Zebra mare and foal. The mare is the traditional black-and-white stripe, while the foal is an
'albino' with blue eyes.
Name unknown
Chestnut quagga foal, customized from the Breyer SM G1 foal. Created 2006.
Micromini chestnut pinto donkey. Created circa 2003.
Micromini chestnut pinto foal. Created circa 2005. That is a dried pea for the size comparison.
Name unknown
Micromini bay roan stock stallion. Created 2006.
Name unknown
Chestnut thoroughbred gelding customized from the Breyer Big Ben. Created 2006.
Chestnut thoroughbred gelding customized from the Breyer micromini standing horse. Created 2006.