The MBR Mare (mare giving birth)
Blue roan Quarter Horse mare customized from Breyer Traditional TB mare and Breyer Classic Frisky Foal by Ryan Jaeger. Additional images (linked as some may not want to see the "up close details"):
Image1 | Image2 | Image3 | Image4 | Image5
Jay Page
Buckskin QH Stallion customized from Breyer QH Yearling.
Carbonite Bar
Black QH stallion Breyer Stud Spider repainted with acrylic and pastels.
Ribbon Page
Chestnut with flaxen mane and tail Quarter Horse stallion, customized from a Breyer Adios a portrait model repainted with Acrylic and pastels.
Portrait model of Sorrel Quarter Horse stallion, customized from the Breyer Traditional Idocus, created in 2016, and airbrushed with acrylics. Ryan describes piece: That real “Zesty” did have an injured his hind leg, at the hock joint when he was weanling. As a result from swelling and medication his hind leg from the hock to the coronet band was the size of a telephone pole! I included this feature in the portrait model. He is now deceased.
Classy Bar
Sorrel stallion customized from Breyer Traditional Lady Phase; created in 2016 customized and airbrushed in acrylics by Ryan Jaeger, owned by Ryan Jaeger Portrait model of the real Quarter Horse stallion Classy Bar.
Mister Vanzi Dun
Classic Champagne Quarter Horse stallion, TANK Resin by Guy Evans, airbrushed and hand painted.
Brass Section
Buckskin mare customized from Seunta LLC’s “Phoenix”/Braided Version Traditional Stock Horse Mare, Airbrushed and hand painted with acrylics.
Bonjour Anne Gray
Light gray Quarter Horse mare customized from HOTCHIC 2.0 resin by Sheri Rhodes, Airbrushed and hand painted with Acrylics. She is a portrait model of horse raised by Ryan Jaeger.
Blue Boo Boon
Blue roan Quarter Horse mare customized from Breyer Classic Scamper, spray can and hand painted, and owned by Ryan Jaeger in 2016.
Drifters Dun Dee
Grulla mare Quarter Horse Seunta Landslide resin airbrushed and hand painted acrylic paint.
Palomino Quarter Horse mare customized from the Seunta Skywalker resin into portrait model of the real horse Treasurelicious. Airbrushed and hand painted acrylic paints.
Charlie Russell
Portrait model of a real Red Dun Quarter Horse Stallion customized by Breyer Traditional John Henry (rough mold). Airbrushed and hand painted acrylic in 2017 by Ryan Jaeger Owned by Birdtail Ranch.
Oooh A Redford
Blue roan Quarter Horse colt customized from Breyer TB Suckling Foal.
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