KA Solar Countess
Palomino Saddlebred mare customized from the Gonzales
resin, "Countess Vanessa," and owned by Marion Keefe,
created in 1998 Name Unknown
Palomino Saddlebred mare customized from the Breyer
Littlebit Saddlebred and owned by Joanna Burridge KA Attitude
Palomino Saddlebred filly customized from the Nandell
resin, "First Class," and owned by Marion Keefe KA
Premier Senzazion
Palomino Saddlebred filly customized from the Breyer
Traditional Saddlebred Weanling and owned by Amy Hougham Name unknown
Black pinto Saddlebred mare customized from the Breyer
stablemate Saddlebred, create 1999 KA Stroll On
Black tobiano Tennessee Walking Horse customized
from the Chaney Mini Tennessee Walking Horse and owned by Lydia
Beesley KA Ami Dreeming
Dapple chestnut Tennessee Walking Horse mare customized
from the Chaney Mini Tennessee Walking Horse and owned by Marion
Keefe KA's Cheerleader
Dapple grey Tennessee Walking Horse stallion customized
from the Chaney Mini Tennessee Walking Horse and owned by Kirsty
KA High Cotton
Buckskin pinto Tennessee Walking Horse stallion customized
from the Chaney Mini Tennessee Walking Horse for Robin Kilbury
in 2001. KA Dark Tango
Black Hackney mare customized from the Chaney Mini
Hackney and owned by Marion Keefe KA Quick Step
Brown Hackney mare customized from the Chaney Mini
Hackney and owned by Marion Keefe
Name unknown
Flaxen liver chstnut Missouri Fox Trotter gelding customized from the Linda York 'Smokin' Joe' resin for Linda York. Created in 2002.