KA Dyfed Dyanne
Dark chestnut Welsh Section D mare customized from
the Chaney Welsh Cob Mare and owned by Marion Keefe KA Dyfed Brave
Chestnut Welsh section D stallion customized from
the Breyer Traditional Welsh Cob and owned by Kate Skingley KA
Dyfed Top Marques
Cremello Welsh section D stallion customized from
the Chaney Mini Welsh Pony and owned by Alicia Coolidge KA
Dyfed Golden Fantasy
Palomino Welsh Cob filly customized from the Chaney
Welsh Cob Foal and owned by Marion Keefe
KA Dyfed David
Bay Welsh Cob stallion customized from the Linda
York Brenin resin, created in 2000.
Name unknown
Bay Welsh Cob stallion, customized from Un-named Eberl resin, owned by Vera Kobsa of Germany. Created in 2002.
Name unknown
Bay Dark bay Welsh Cob stallion, customized from Horsing Around/ Linda York 'Brenin' resin for Vera Kobsa of Germany. Created in 2003
Name unknown
Bay Chestnut Welsh Cob stallion, customized from Horsing Around/ Sarah Rose 'Hadrian' resin. Created in 2002