empty Name unknown
Bay pinto draft stallion, customized from the Dee Ann Kjelshus D's Fortinbras resin, 1999.

empty Name unknown
Chestnut pinto Clydesdale stallion, customized from the Dee Ann Kjelshus D's Fortinbras resin, 1999; artist choice.

empty D's Highway Howard
Chestnut Clydesdale stallion, customized from the Dee Ann Kjelshus D's Fortinbras resin, 1999; artist choice.

empty Name unknown
Strawberry roan Clydesdale stallion, customized from the Dee Ann Kjelshus D's Fortinbras resin, 1999.

empty D's Dirty Boogie
Grulla sabino Shire/mustang stallion, customized from the Dee Ann Kjelshus D's Fortinbras resin, 2000.

empty D's Grand Illusion
Bay roan sabino Clydesdale stallion, customized from the Dee Ann Kjelshus D's Fortinbras resin, 1999.

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020