Name Unknown
Chestnut Arabian gelding customized from the North
Light Arabian; created in 1997 Name Unknown
Light dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from
the Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Stallion and owned by Barb
Watson; created in 1984? MN Khaptian
Dapple grey Arabian stallion customized from the
Vicki Keeling resin, "King's Ransom," and owned by Bev
Manderfeld; created in 1996 Jessee
Chestnut Arabian gelding customized from the Breyer
Traditional Black Stallion with a Proud Arabian Mare head and
owned by Kim Sirmire; created in 199? and updated in 1995 MN
Flea-bitten grey Arabian gelding customized from
the Breyer Stablemate Arabian Stallion and owned by Barb Watson;
created in 1992 MN Light My Fyre
Dapple chestnut Arabian mare customized from the
Breyer Littlebit Arabian and owned by Jan Stevens; created in
1992 Name Unknown
Chestnut Arabian colt customized from the Breyer
Classic Arabian Foal and owned by unknown; created in 1985