RHR Leela
Dapple chestnut Suffolk Punch mare customized from
the Pour Horse "Saucy," and owned by Bev Manderfeld;
created in 1996
Name Unknown
Chestnut Suffolk Punch stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional Yellow Mount by Michelle Belisle, painted by
Candy Maynard and owned by Deb Weyer; created in 199?, this model
is presently being updated RHR Rose
Dapple grey Percheron mare customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Drafter and owned by Kim Kiley; created in early 1990's RHR
Dapple chestnut Jutland stallion customized from
a Hong Kong Beswick copy body with a Breyer Traditional Roy head
and owned by Libby Linsky; created in early 1990'sRHR Trondheim
Black Doslache Gudrandsdal stallion customized from
the Breyer Traditional Pluto with a cast H-R head and owned by
Ardith Carlton; created in 1992