empty Scooby Snacks
Black semileopard British Spotted Pony stallion, customized from the Stacey Tumlinson Mini Fabrizio resin. Owned by Kristie Henning; photographed by Kathy.

empty Lockness
Palomino Highland Pony mare, customized from the Donna Chaney Highland Pony resin. Owned/photographed by Kathy Casey.

empty Lady Gold
Palomino American Shetland Pony mare, customized from the Stone Pony. Owned/photographed by Kathy Casey.

empty Name unknown
Dapple smutty buskskin Welsh Section A stallion, customized from the Donna Chaney/Animal Artistry Colwyn resin. Owned/photographed by A. M. Schaer.

empty DF Autumn Spirit
Dapple smutty buskskin pinto Welsh Section C stallion, customized from the Northlight Cob. Owned/photographed by Karen Fawcett.

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020