DM Somebody's Big Easy
Black tobiano North American Spotted Draft Horse
stallion customized from the Traditonal Breyer Clydesdale Stallion
and owned by Cassie Knipp; created in 1998 DM Reflections
of Wyldfire
Chestnut Quarter Horse filly customized from the
Breyer Traditional Quarter Horse Yearling , and owned by Elizabeth
Treager; created in 1998 DM Steel Magnolia
Fleabitten grey Quarter Horse mare customized from
the Breyer Traditional Stock Horse Mare and owned by unknown;
created in 1999 DM Frozen In Tyme
Black tobiano Show Shetland Pony customized from
the 5" Hartland Arabian stallion and owned by Nancy Hunt;
created in 1998 DM Fantasy Toy Solider
Chestnut tobiano Show Shetland pony stallion customized
from the Breyer Traditional Stretch Morgan and owned by AShleigh
Morgan; created in 1999 DM Pride of Zorro
Black Lusitano stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditonal Leganario III and owned by Samantha Kroese; created
in 1998 DM Diablo Mariachi
Chestnut sabino overo Lusitano stallion customized
from the Breyer Traditional Leganario III and owned by Ashleigh
Morgan; created in 1999