DM Winterbourne Mystique
Black tovero Paint mare customized from the Breyer
Traditional Lady Phase and owned by unknown; created in 1998 DM
Phenomenal Illusions
Black tobiano Paint stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional Adios and owned by Ashleigh Morgan; created
in 1999 DM Strategic Command
Bay overo Paint stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Adios and owned by Leslie Kurtezky; created in 1999 DM
Musical Hustler
Chestnut tobiano Paint stallion customized from the
Breyer Traditional Adios and owned by Ashleigh Morgan; created
in 1999 DM Lilies N Hearts
Black tobiano Paint filly customized from the Breyer
Traditional Quarter Horse Yearling and owned by Leslie Kurtezky;
created in 1998 DM Miss Snapple
Black overo Paint filly customized from the Breyer
Traditional Grazing foal and owned by Ashleigh Morgan; created
in 1998 DM Expensive Hobby
Chestnut tovero Paint stallion customized from the
Gold Standard Horse and owned by Ashleigh Morgan; created in 1998 DM
Somebody's Watchin'
Black tovero Paint stallion customized from the Treasured
Series Horse and owned by unknown; created in 1999 DM Society
Hot Spot
Bay overo Paint stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Rugged Lark and owned by Hilary Applegate; created
in 1998