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Artists are listed alphabetically. Painter/Finisher | Sculptor | Tack/obstacles/dolls | Flatwork
Doctor Zhivago
Wladimir Heavy/Orlow-Trotter Cross Stallion, from the Breyer Freisen, painted and customized by Marcia Armstrong (of Florida) in a dark dappled grey with depigmented skin. Owned by Katja Contu in Switzerland. Created circa 2002.
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Name unknown
Brown pinto feather drafter customized from the Breyer Windsong. BreyerFest Auction. Created 2007.
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Name unknown
Grey pinto pony mare, customized from the Hagen-Renaker mini Highland Pony mare, created 2003.
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Double Delight
Perlino Friesian Sporthorse, customized from the Kitty Cantrell Ravishing Ronald resin. Painted in acrylics & pastels by: Julie Brady; image and owned by Julie. Created circa 2006.
Moon Caller
Bay Fantasy Luna Moth Butterhorse stallion, customized from the Breyer Fighting Stallion. Painted in acrylics & pastels by: Julie Brady; image and owned by Julie. Created circa 2006.
Name unknown
Fire unicorn stallion, customized from unknown. Created circa 2007.
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Name unknown
Chestnut American Saddlebred stallion customized from the Linda York By Committee resin. Created 2010. Images by Deborah Brown.
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Jennifer Buxton of Braymere Saddlery.
Name unknown
Pack Saddle set on Breyer chestnut mule. Circa 2015
Name unknown
Polo tack set on Dapple Grey Breyer Polo Pony. Circa 2015
Name unknown
Polo tack set on bay Breyer Lonesome Glory. Circa 2015.
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Name unknown
Dapple grey Welsh cob stallion customized from the Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig Dafydd. Created circa 2006.
Name unknown
Silver dapple Welsh cob stallion customized from the Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig Dafydd. Created circa 2006.
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Name of stable/studio may be Coldiron.
Name unknown
Zebra customized from the Breyer Family Arabian Foal. Circa 2008.
Pearlized blue unicorn customized from the Breyer Classic Andalusian Mare. Circa 2008.
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Des Corbett, no further information known.
Name unknown
Dapple grey stock horse, customized from unknown. Created circa 2007.
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Name unknown
Bay draft stallion from the Sarah Rose Oberon resin. Circa 2011.
Name unknown
Bay draft stallion from the Stacey Tumlinson Majestuoso resin. Circa 2011.
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Name unknown
Peruvian Paso saddle and bridle. Completed circa 2004.
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Cheryl Garcia, of Ohio, works in ceramic finishes. I have no other information (and outdated email)
Name unknown
Dapple grey drafter.
Name unknown
Hunter scene.
Name unknown
Rearing horse.
Name unknown
Red dun pinto stock horse.
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El Zaner
Breyer Lipizzaner repainted by Karen Giesbrecht of Australia. Owned by Cheryl Ridge of Australia. Completed in 2008.
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Name unknown
Chestnut Arabian mare and foal customized from the Best Talking Horses Arabians. Created circa 2008.
Name unknown
Chestnut pinto mustang stallion customized from the Best Talking Horses Mustang. Created circa 2007.
Name unknown
Grey sabino Clydesdale stallion customized from the Best Talking Horses Clydesdale. Created circa 2007.
Name unknown
Buckskin mustang stallion customized from the Ertl mustang. Created circa 2008.
Name unknown
Grulla Quarter Horse customized from the Ertl Appaloosa. Created circa 2008.
Name unknown
Pinto Gypsy Vanner stallioncustomized from the Nylint Friesian. Created circa 2007.
Name unknown
Grulla mustang stallion customized from the Stallions USA Comeback Kid. Created circa 2008.
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Name unknown
Woodgrain customized from the Breyer Stretch Morgan. Circa 2006.
Name unkown
Woodgrain customized from the Breyer Silver. Circa 2006.
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Orgasmic Chicken
Quarter Horse Mare Brindle/Grulla customized from a Breyer Lady Phase by Morgan Haberman, owned by Ryan Jaeger.
Wimpyder Creek (mare) and Smokey Topoco (foal)
Bay Quarter Horse Mare customized from Breyer Indian Pony; buckskin Quarter Horse colt customized from Breyer Sea Star; both by Morgan Haberman, owned by Ryan Jaeger.
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Audry HL is not known by the curator. Was going by business name of Desert Rose Studios 2000.
Name unknown
Black Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer Huckleberry Bey. Completed in 2002.
Can O'Spam
Black pinto draft stallion customized from the Breyer Belgian. Completed in 2002.
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Name unknown
Dapple grey warmblood station medallion, customized from the Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig Reflective mediallion. Created circa 2009.
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Liver Chestnut Italian Heavy Draught Stallion; painted and customized from the Breyer G1 SM Standing drafter, by Jill Jones with added blue ribbons by owner Katja Contu. Created circa 2002.
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Mulberry Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer Proud Arabian Stallion. Created circa 2008.
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Name unknown
Tawny spotted calf customized from the Breyer classic cutting calf. Created circa 2007.
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Name unknown
Buckskin Quarter Horse stallion customized from TBD. Created circa 2007.
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Name unknown
Bay pinto stallion customized from the Stone Performance Horse. Created circa 2007.
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Name unknown
Matte (right) and Glossy (left) Grey American Saddlebred stallions customized from the Levade Saddlebred. Created circa 2007.
Name unknown
Glossy Grey American Saddlebred stallion customized from the Levade Saddlebred. Created circa 2007.
Name unknown
Matte Grey American Saddlebred stallion customized from the Levade Saddlebred. Created circa 2007.
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Name unknown
Bay roan semi-leopard Appaloosa customized from the Black Horse Ranch Western Pleasure resin. Created circa 2009.
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Iberian stallion in dun
Custom glazed Kristina Lucas Francis Suspiro; photo by Pauline Entin.
Draft stallion in dun pinto
Claybody custom glazed Kristina Lucas Francis Collier; photo by Pauline Entin.
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Name unknown
Palomino pinto stallion, customized from the Peter Stone Ideal Stock Horse. Created circa 2004.
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Bonnie Shields sculptor, not known by curator
Name unknown
Resin donkey foal, offspring of Dolly Barton.
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Sketched In Blue
Blue Roan Sabino mare, from the Breyer American Quarter Horse, customized etchie by Val Starcher. Photographed and owned by Ryan Jaeger.
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Diane Thiele, stable name Crosstimbers Ranch. I have no other information.
Crosstimbers Spitfire
Palomino Morgan gelding customized from the Laura Behning Frolic resin. Created circa 2005.
Crosstimbers Red Vermont
Chestnut Morgan stallion customized from the Sarah Rose UVM Yesteryear resin. Created circa 2005.
My Brother Under The Sun
Bay morgan stallion customized from the Kitty Cantrell Aramis resin. Created circa 2005.
Crosstimbers Classic Belle
Bay morgan mare customized from the Breyer Marabella. Portrait model combining multiple horses. Created circa 2005.
Crosstimbers Sonnet
Bay mustang mare customized from the Linda York Shaniday resin. Created circa 2005.
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Kathleen Timmerman is not known to curator.
Name unknown
Dapple grey Arabian stallion, customized from the Ed Gonzales Status Symbol resin by Kathleen Timmerman. Owned by Jessica Shorkey. Images provided by Melody Dowell.
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Name unknown
Chestnut paint customized from the Carol Williams Matriarch resin. Created circa 2003.
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Wendy Ward, of Oregon, tack maker
Name unknown
Chestnut Breyer classic Quarter Horse stallion modeling The Trinity Grand Shower saddle/bridle and owned by Sharron Layman. Created circa 2002.
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