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emptyeah Posey Patton considered herself to be a "jennet of all trades". Her first models were collected in the early 70's, growing over the years into the 1000's, then receding to a mere few hundred in past years. Although the date of her debut into showing has been forgotten, it's been over twenty years. Thanks go to Cindy Dalton and Cindy Seitz for getting her started in the Live Show portion of the hobby.

Leah remakes 99% of her own models, owning only a few models by other artists. Over the years, her models were shown in photos shows and live, and before the advent of NAN, were many Live show Champions. She doesn't get to too many live shows anymore, but still has a stack of NAN cards to show that her CM models (only 3 resins, too horse poor to afford more) can still compete.

In her "real life" Leah is the head of the American Donkey and Mule Society, the real registry for Longears (registrar and magazine editor) where she "talks donkey" all day long! In addition, she owns 3 horses (2 Mustangs, 1 Percheron) 2 mules, and 4 donkeys, and is one of the USA's most knowledgeable experts on the endangered Poitou Donkey (one of her donkeys is a half-bred, French approved gelding).

If you have ever owned a SHLEI or SHADOWLEI model and know their whereabouts, let her know!!!

Leah Posey Patton

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