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emptyemptyerra Pennington started collecting Breyer models like a lot of young girls back in the early 1960s. She spent many hours playing with her Breyers along with her girl friends. As the years passed, marriage and family took front seat and her collection was packed up and put away.

In the early 2000, she was playing on the internet and found Breyer models listed for sale on E-bay and was bitten by model horse bug one more time. In 2003, Terra took her first trip to Breyerfest and learned that you could customize model horses, so she came home from that trip and starting learning all she could on how to customize model horses. Now a few years later she is still learning how to paint, but boy is she having a great time seeing not only Breyer models but resins horses come to life with a little bit of color.

When you ask Terra what is the best part of this hobby and she will tell you it is all the great friends she has made since she has started painting. Without them the hobby and painting would not be as much fun.

You can contact Terra via her website or Yahoo discussion group.

Photo credits

Above: Headstudy of David resin by Deborah McDemott.

The Pennington Gallery

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Bay Arabian mare, customized from Narissa resin by Brigitte Eberl.

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Chestnut Belgian stallion, customized from Rembrant resin by Janet Edington.

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Bay roan Brabrant stallion, customized from Buster by Yvonne Davey.

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Chestnut going grey Peruvian Paso gelding, customized from the Sommer Prosser Estrella Del Sol resin.

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Dun pinto miniature donkey Jack, customized from the Candace Liddy Gulliver resin.

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Dun pinto miniature donkey Jenet, customized from Lilly by Candace Liddy.

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Buckskin Morgan gelding, customized from Aramis by Kitty Cantrell.

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Leopard Appaloosa British Spotted Pony gelding, customized from Fabrizio by Stacey Tumlinson.

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Chestnut warmblood stallion, customized from David resin by Deborah McDemott.

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Seal bay Quarter Horse gelding, customized from Cisco by Brigitte Eberl.

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Bay Standardbred gelding, customized from Highflyer by Tracie Caller.

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Bay Thoroughbred mare, customized from Kittydidit by Kitty Cantrell.

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Chestnut Thoroughbred mare, customized from Romance by Kitty Cantrell.

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Black pinto stallion customized from the Mel Schulmeyer Balewou resin; 2007. Photo at left by Deb Buckler; lower photo by Terra.

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Seal brown (with pangre) Iberian stallion customized from the Tibbi Searcher Deseo resin; 2008. Donation for Model Horse Gallery. Images provided by Gail Berg.

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Dapple bay Thoroughbred mare customized from the Katheleen Moody Deja Vu resin; 2010. TIBBP donation.

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