Free Yourself
Dapple grey Thoroughbred stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional
Man o' War and owned by Julie LaBomascus; created in the 1980's
Flea-bitten grey Thoroughbred stallion customized
from the Breyer Traditional Pacer by Judy Renee Pope and painted
by Julie Froelich; created in 1987 Name Unknown
Dapple bay Thoroughbred mare customized from the
Beswick Spirit of ?? ; created in 1993 Fade to Black
Black Thoroughbred mare customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Seabiscuit and owned by Vicki Cary; created in 1990
Black Thoroughbred colt customized from the Elastolin
Warmblood Foal and owned by Nite Watch Farm; created in 1990
Dapple grey Thoroughbred stallion customized from
the Breyer Stablemate Seabiscuit and owned by Beth Rappelyea;
created in 1991 Temporal Grace
Dapple rose grey Thoroughbred mare customized from
the Breyer Classic Swaps and owned by Nite Watch Farm; created
in 1986 Eldritch
Dapple grey Thoroughbred stallion customized from
the Breyer Classic Man O' War and owned by Nite Watch Farm; created
in 1990 Asterix
Red chestnut Thoroughbred stallion customized from
the Breyer Classic Man O' War; created in 1990 Charles Le
Bay Thoroughbred stallion customized from the Breyer
Classic Man O' War and owned by Nite Watch Farm; created in 1993