Dark golden bay tobiano Saddlebred stallion customized
from the Frank resin, "Bolero" Name Unknown
Chestnut tobiano Saddlebred gelding customized from
the Breyer Traditional 5-Gaiter and owned by Debbie Younack
Red chestnut Saddlebred stallion customized from
the Breyer Hartland 9" Saddlebred to and owned by Kathy Dodson
Name Unknown
Dapple blond chestnut Saddlebred filly customized
from the Breyer Saddlebred Weanling and owned by Mary McIntire
Name Unknown
Leopard Appaloosa Walkaloosa stallion customized from the TBD resin. Image provided by Sheri Rhodes.
Name Unknown
Chestnut American Saddlebred stallion customized from Gertrude Caulfield "Kelly's Irish Genius" resin.
Name Unknown
Dapple Grey American Saddlebred stallion customized from the Debbi LerMond Kentucky Reign resin. Image provided by Sheri Rhodes.
Name Unknown
Bay pinto American Saddlebred stallion customized from the Kristina Lucas Francis Ultra Fine resin. Image provided by Sheri Rhodes.