Skip's Robinette
Chestnut overo Paint mare customized from the Breyer
Traditional Lady Phase and owned by Carrie Jacobson; created in
1998 Jericho
Chestnut tobiano Paint gelding customized from the
Kathman resin, "Paintomime," and owned by Nora Doyle;
created in 1997 Zip Me Up
Bay overo Paint filly customized from the Breyer Traditional Quarter
Horse Yearling; created in 1996 High Voltage
Chestnut overo Paint gelding customized from the Breyer Traditional
Stud Spider; created in 1997; owned by Hilary Applegate Laredo
Chestnut tobiano Paint mare customized from the Breyer Traditional
Indian Pony and owned by Beth Dickinson; created in 1997 Splash
of Bourbon
Sorrel overo Paint gelding customized Breyer Classic Swaps and
owned by Beth Dickinson; created in 1994