At this time, I have no information about this company except that they have model horses in their line.
Left: 6.5"; scanned in from the Sherrat Simpson color flyer
The Event
21" high, scanned in from the Sherrat & Simpson color
flyer Shire Horse (#212)
7" high, scanned in from the Sherrat & Simpson color
flyer Brown Mare (#213)
6.5" high, scanned in from the Sherrat & Simpson color
flyer Mare & Foal (#215)
7" high, scanned in from the Sherrat & Simpson color
(same mold as horse above)
Standing Pony in Brown (#55699)
4" high. Photo provided by Allison Malone.
Base of Standing Pony in Brown
Photo provided by Allison Malone.
Lying Pony in Brown(#55700)
3" high. Photo provided by Allison Malone.
Base of lying Pony in Brown(#55700)
Photo provided by Allison Malone.