Some of fhe photos below are from the Stone Horse Reference site.
Pictures from Stone's booth at the Western States Horse Expo 2008. Pictures from Stone's Sacramento Live Show 2008. Pictures from Stone's Equilocity 2008 and Equilocity 2010.
Photo credits
Introduction: MG's Prince in black, released in 1996, Percheron stallion owned by Peri Riggins
1/10th scale top: Autumn themed one-of-a-kind factory customs Arabian and "mini-me" Arabian Chips created for the 2006 Model Horse Jubilee auction; image provided by Melanie Teller.
1/10th scale bottom: Autumn themed one-of-a-kind creations for the 2006 Model Horse Jubilee auction; image provided by Melanie Teller. Molds include Percheron (two), Ideal Stock Horse (two), Arabian, Pony.
Pebbles: Autumn themed one-of-a-kind creations for the 2006 Model Horse Jubilee auction; image provided by Melanie Teller. Molds incolude Trouble (two, rearing), Percheron (two), Pony (two), Arabian (two), Pebbles Saddlebred, Pebbles Warmblood, Chips Morgan, Ideal Stock Horse (two), etc.
Chips: One-of-a-kind Stock Horse, Arabian and Drafter Chips created for the 2006 Model Horse Jubilee raffle; image provided by Melanie Teller.
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