Alpha Centauri
Dapple red bay Arabian gelding customized from the
Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Stallion Amir Rabdan
Dark dapple chestnut Arabian gelding customized from
the Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Stallion and owned by Elizabeth
Bouras Amarna Bint Bukra
Flea-bitten grey Arabian mare customized from the
Breyer Traditional Proud Arabian Mare; created in 1977 Name
Dapple Grey Arabian stallion customized from the
Breyer Classic Andalusian Stallion and owned by Julie Brumbaugh;
created in 1980 Amarna Ibn Sudan
Dapple rose grey Arabian gelding customized from
the Breyer Classic Arabian Stallion; created in 1977 Ishtar
Dapple rose grey Arabian mare customized from the
Breyer Classic Arabian Mare Jematria
Dark dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the
Breyer Stablemate Arabian Mare and owned by Elizabeth Bouras
Dapple rose grey Arabian mare customized from the
Breyer Stablemate Seabiscuit by Jason Ross and owned by Renee
Mareska The Fox
Dapple rose grey Arabian gelding customized from
the Breyer Classic Silky Sullivan; created in 1977