Bay roan Brabant stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Belgian, owned by Evelyn Groth and photo shown with
permission by Sandy Tomezik; created in 199? Unnamed
American Cream Draft Horse stallion customized from
the Breyer Traditinal Roy as a commission for Marney Walerius;
current owner unknown; created in 1986 Royal Return
American Cream Draft Horse stallion customized from
the Breyer Traditinal Roy and owned by Pat Moler; created in 1991
F. H. Elmont
Chestnut Suffolk Punch gelding customized from the
Breyer Clydesdale stallion, owned by Evelyn Groth and photo shown
with permission by Sandy Tomezik; created in 199? Name Unknown
Flea-bitten grey Shire mare customized from the Breyer
Traditional Clydesdale Mare; created in 1995