At this time, I have no information about this Japanese company
except that they have model horses in their line.
Photo at left: standing mare in brown. Image provided by Sheri Rhodes.
Mare and foal
Image provided by owner Vanessa Brown who comments: This set is really unique. It is the only Japan horse that I own that's a mare that has anatomicallly correct formed teats. Someone put some love into this mold. She stands 7 3/8's of an inch tall, and the colt stands 4.25 inches tall. They have a Wales Japan sticker. The mare's show name is Champagne on Ice.
The foal's name is Champagne Wager.
Standing Horse
8"; shown as "Rough N' Nuff" Appaloosa stallion
owned by Barri Mayse
Standing ceramic horse
8"; This horse was made in Japan. He has Japan stamped on his right front foot. He also has a price tag on his tummy that says .W. Woolworth C 97 cents, then some number where the tag is torn and a -1. The tag has torn and was stuck back together. He is a stallion and he has fluff on his feet like a draft horse. Very very odd. He's also looking up, like most Japan horses. Image provided by Melodie Dowell. Very similar to Rough N' Nuff.
Standing ceramic horse
Image provided by Karen Grimm.