Black Arabian stallion customized from the Jensen
resin, "LJ Baha;" created in 1998
FDL LaVerna
Dapple grey Arabian mare customized from the Hartland
Lady Jewel; created in 1998 FDL San Serif
Golden chestnut Arabian stallion customized from
the Breyer Traditional Sham; created in 1998 FDL Glenn
Chestnut Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Arabian stallion; created in 1998 BFC Petros
Grey Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Arabian stallion and owned by Michelle Wilson. This
is a Christmas ornament painted to look like the real Petros and
given to Michelle for her Christmas 1998 present
FDL Last Enchantment
Rose grey Arabian mare customized from the Breyer
Classic Johar by Julie Bullock and repaired/updated by Amy Wagner
in 1998 Shetan's Fire
Black Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Traditional Black Stallion and owned by Beth Brownell; created
in 1998 The Jersey Devil
Grey Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Arabian Stallion and owned by Kristy Moore; created
in 1998 Sultan
Bay Arabian stallion customized from the Breyer Classic
Sagr and owned by Leslie Kuretzky; created in 1998