Percheron, painted in pastels and sold at the Western
Washington Fair Calypso
A Percheron imported early in this century, painted
in charcoal Saddlebred Mare
A commission painted in pastels
I dreamed this and painted it the next day. It has
a mysteriousness about it that people like. They would stand and
look at it at shows, wondering aloud what they thought he was
doing. To me, it was just a palomino walking. Painted in watercolors
on grey matboard Unnamed Piece
Quarter Horse used as a Hunter, a commission painted
in oils Duchess
Unclipped and unshown Morgan mare, a commission painted
in oils Morgan Stallion
Commission, painted in oils
Morgan Foal
Painted in watercolors Lady
Painted in charcoal Moelani
Half-Arabian, painted in oils
Sultan Sedba
Half-Arabian son of Sedab owned by a Nile Shrine,
a commission painted in pastels