empty Alborozo
Andalusian mold sculpted by Brigitte Eberl, portrait of the real horse. Images provided by Daralyn Wallace. I have named my particular horse Argento, after one of the two horses that Maximus refers to as being on his breastplate, from the movie Gladiator. Argento is Latin for Silver, and the other horse on the breastplate was called "Scarto" -- which translates roughly as Trigger! (Litterally, it is "lever" but it was the closest Russell Crowe could come up with.) I've got a second Alborozo that I am going to have custom painted as a palomino sabino, and it will become Scarto. :-) A bit of Breyer trivia... On the front of the box, Breyer listed the name of this horse as Alboronzo, instead of the correct Alborozo. It's correct on the back of the box.

empty Alborozo
Images provided by Melodie Dowell.

empty Alborozo
One of a kind, factory painted smutty palomino Alborozo painted by Karen Williams. Image by Breyer.

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