empty empty El Pastor in Black Tobiano (#700297)
Known as "Desperado," 1997 Breyer Show Horse; owned by Peri Riggins

empty El Pastor in Bay Tobiano
1987 Limited Edition known as "Cips;" shown as "Piano Man," Paso Fino stallion owned by Casey Rhodes

empty El Pastor in Bay Tobiano (#116)
1987 Limited Edition known as "Cips," Champion Paso Fino; shown as "Dulce Limitado Tesoro," Paso Fino stallion owned by Peri Riggins

empty El Pastor in Bay Tobiano (#61)
Known as "Cips;" photo provided by Monica Hambalko

emptyEl Pastor in Chocolate (#914)
Known as "Tobe, Rocky Mountain Horse," 1996 regular run; photo scanned in from a promotional flier

empty El Pastor in Bay (#61)
Known as "El Pastor," famous Paso Fino; shown as "Dulce Entrega," Paso Fino stallion owned by Peri Riggins

empty El Pastor in Chestnut Ruano (#1145)
Known as "Paso Fino;" image provided by Debra Kerr

empty El Pastor in Blue Roan(#735)
Known as "Paso Fino"

empty El Pastor in Palomino
Known as "Escondido", 2010 BreyerWest Special Run. Image provided by Breyer.


empty El Pastor in Palomino
Known as "Escondido", 2010 BreyerWest Special Run. Image provided by curator.


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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020