empty Name Unknown
Black tobiano Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Running Stallion and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Grulla Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Running Stallion and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Strawberry roan Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Running Stallion and owned by Lyn Arnold; created in 1998

empty Smokey Joe
Smoke Mustang stallion customized from the breyer Traditional Running Stallion and owned by Lyn Arnold; created in 1998

empty Chase
Olive grulla Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Black Beauty and owned by Angela M.; created in 1998

empty Prairie Sunset
Strawberry roan Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Mustang and owned by Lyn Arnold; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Fleabitten gray Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Mustang and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Bay Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Mustang and owned by Kayla; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Strawberry roan Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Mustang and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Bay Mustang stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Mustang and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Smurf
Blue Mustang stallion Decorator look-alike stallion customized from the Breyer Classic Rearing Stallion and owned by Lyn Arnold; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Grulla Mustang mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Indian Pony and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Strawberry roan Mustang mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Indian Pony and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Gray Mustang mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Indian Pony and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Blue roan Mustang mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Indian Pony and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Frosted red roan Mustang colt customized from the Breyer Traditional Scratching Foal and owned by unknown; created in 1998

empty Name Unknown
Black Mustang colt customized from the Breyer Traditional Stormy and owned by unknown; created in 1998

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020